Battle Cry Ebook Info-bulle Faire et gagner la guerre à l'intérieur


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9781400228171
  • 21 septembre 2021
  • Adobe ePub
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Countering a culture that coerces men to suppress instead of express, Jason Wilson calls readers to unlearn society's definition of masculinity and discover the power of engaging with and mastering their emotions.

For decades Jason Wilson was losing the war within—the internal battle that many men wage daily but were never taught how to win. As a result, he could not combat his toxic thoughts and emotions. Instead, he was conquered by them and communicated without composure—hurting those he loved and himself. This went on until he renewed his mind by releasing years of past trauma. His life and relationships were transformed when he learned how to master his emotions and express them with self-control. In the process, Jason became a better husband, father, and leader.

In Battle Cry, Jason equips you with the mental and spiritual weapons needed to wage and win your inner war by showing you how to

  • master your emotions rather than be ruled by them;

  • win internal battles before they become external wars;

  • reject the world’s definition of masculinity and embrace comprehensive manhood;

  • communicate more effectively with the people in your life; and

  • release trauma from your past so you can live fully to your potential in the present.

You can live beyond the limitations of your mind and finally experience the life you’ve always longed for. You can break through what you’ve been through. It’s time to win the war within!

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
21 septembre 2021
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Jason Wilson
Editeur principal
Thomas Nelson

Options de lecture

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