ADHD For Smart Ass Women Livre audio Info-bulle Comment tomber amoureux de votre cerveau neurodivergent

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9781035417117
  • 15 février 2024
Toutes les spécifications de l'article


ADHD is one of the most common neurological disorders in the United States - yet a staggering 75 percent of girls and women remain undiagnosed. Due to the gender gap in medical research, which does not account for symptoms manifesting differently in women - leading to increased problems with anxiety, depression, working memory, sleep, energy and concentration - many ADHD women are left to navigate a society that fails to understand their struggles and gifts. But what if every woman had the resources and support to uncover the hidden wonders of her neurodivergent brain?

Enter certified ADHD coach and podcast host Tracy Otsuka. Armed with her experience coaching thousands of women, cutting-edge medical research and personal insights from her own diagnosis, she presents a revelatory guide tailored specifically for girls and women with ADHD. In it, Otsuka offers an entirely new set of tools, systems, and strategies to access a world of boundless productivity, focus, and confidence.

With her signature wit and levity - in entertaining chapters designed for ADHD readers - Otsuka explores the unique challenges that ADHD women face and illuminates the extraordinary qualities that set them apart: overflowing creativity, laser-focused attention, deep empathy, and fearless entrepreneurial spirit. Even without an official diagnosis, readers will be equipped with the tools to conquer any to-do list and to tap into their true purpose, personally or professionally. Otsuka offers a beacon of hope for any woman looking to transform her symptoms into strengths. Comprehensive, lively and long overdue, ADHD for Smart Ass Women is the key to unlocking unparalleled potential and to understanding your truly magnificent and brilliant brain.

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
15 février 2024

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Tracy Otsuka
Editeur principal
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Binding : Livre audio numérique

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